The Chung Lab is currently recruiting students, postdocs, and research staff to join our group at George Washington University in Washington, DC.
Postdocs/research staff: We are looking for highly motivated applicants with a wide range of training backgrounds and skills. Applicants with experience in biophysics, biomechanics, cell biology, cancer signaling, protein signaling, molecular biology, animal models, optics, machine learning, or high-level statistics are welcome to apply. Send an email with your CV, brief descriptions of your research accomplishments, research interests, and future plans, as well as contact info for three references.
Graduate Students: We welcome highly motivated graduate students to join the lab for their thesis work. Please email your CV, undergraduate transcript, and a brief description of research experience and interests.
Undergraduates: We ask for at least a two-year research commitment. Please email your CV, transcript, and a brief description of research interests.
Contact Us
Inhee Chung
George Washington University
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Anatomy and Regenerative Biology
& GW Cancer Center
Email: Inheec [at] (inheec[at]gwu[dot]edu)
Phone: (202) 994-6112
Chung Lab:
2300 I Street, NW, Room 537
Washington, DC, 20037, USA